Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So it's been a few days and I've finally digested The Watchmen. I loved it when I left and I still love it now. There's been a lot of negative reviews/comments on the movie and I've had a lot of people questioning me as to if it's good or not. I think a lot of people (non-comic people) went into it thinking it would be another superhero movie (even thought the trailers said "You've Never Seen Superheores Like These"). Watchmen is a very cerebral movie. You have to pay attention, especially the first half.

I think the DVD edition is going to be huge. Through in deleted scenes (and we know there will be a lot), a director's cut ending, as well as the animated Black Freighter story and you have a huge DVD campaign. But that's a while away.

I'd like to check it out in IMAX. I haven't seen an IMAX movie in years (I think the last one I saw was Polar Express...). Like the book I've heard that you get more out of a second viewing, so I'll post my thoughts on the second viewing as soon as I see it again.

On actual comics news, Walking Dead drops today. Man, I love that book. Writer/Creator Robert Kirkman has promised that his books (WD, Invincible and Wolf-Man) will ship on time in 2009. Walking Dead has been plagued by serious delays but was able to catch up towards the end of 2008. I highly recommend this book if you are not already reading it. There are few books that appeal to everyone. This is one that I can safely push to anyone who loves comics (and, well, are over 18 as it is pretty gruesome sometimes, but not as gruesome as Garth Ennis' Crossed series from Avatar, WOW!).

Check back this weekend for some Double Midnight Comics Year 2 ramblings. Stay tuned...

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